Thursday, July 7, 2011

Things that are going to change how we use web.

The curiosity of what's next in web is must for every web addict, as i am one of those addicts, i had the same curiosity and so found some of the technologies that are going to change the real future of web.

The debate is going on to open the TLDs for everyone, this means that i could get a domain name like www.webbuzz.inder , .inder at end of this is what i am talking about, yes there will be domain names soon like , inderpreet.vrazy, lovers.heart and god knows what. If that's a good news, it's also a nightmare, as it would ncrease the number of cybersquatters. This is a thing to fear about, as i could have a domain like that would spam the accounts of innocent facebook user with a link to a spoofing screen , where they would give me their passwords for free, such attacts would become common talk of the day. But here's the solution to it. You need a government approval for  every tld you register and for that you have to verify your credentials and your identity so that you can be caught if you make It's said that new domain names will be registered from jan -jul 2012. Let's see how the game changes this time. 

Google has a bunch of products under it's pouch and here's the new thing, google plus, it would just connect all your google products at one place and that too socially. It's clean, it's simple and according to most of google plus users it's gonna replace facebook soon. Facebook has showed it's fear when it blocked the chrome friend exporter extensiion as lot of users were exporting their friends to google plus. In reply of google plus facebook annnounced yesterday three new features in a press conference at it's headquarters. Google plus till yesterday was having sign ups through invites but yesterday night  these invites were closed as lots of users were getting attracted to this new thing and according to google , the product is not ready yet. What?? not ready?? I am on google plus and i am enjoying it more than facebook, from a week or so i am more and more addicted to google plus, even though it does not have that large userbase. Let's see i hope they change it for better. But surely google search is becoming social through google plus search, and that's gonna change how we use internet.

 more to come yet.............

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